International Journal of Transformations in Business Management

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN : 2231-6868 | P-ISSN : 2454-468X

IMPACT FACTOR : 5.987 | SJIF 2020: 6.336 |SJIF 2021 : 6.109 | ICV 2020=66.47

+91 9555269393


Vol: 12, Issue: 1 2022

Page: 231-260

The Impact of Digital Maturity in Organizational Culture: Exploratory Research at Fallujah University

Mahmood J. Awad

This study aims to find out the extent of the impact of digital maturity as an independent variable in organizational culture as a dependent variable at the University of Fallujah. This is to support it determine the extent of maturity reached by the university as a result of the transformation of most of its work to the digital aspect due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic and the accompanying decisions; most of which were calling for the adoption of digital means to manage institutional life, whether in terms of doing business inside the university or delivering the lectures to students. The questionnaire has been adopted as a data collection method from a study sample at the university, by selecting an intended random sample of (73) from its specific population (91). Following the identification of the study sample and data collection, (SPSS) program was used to analyze the data depending on a group of statistical means as (weighted mean, coefficient of variation, standard deviation, relative importance, coefficient of determination, rank correlation coefficient, simple linear regression analysis). Hope you buy high quality fake rolex watches US here with less money.
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