International Journal of Transformations in Business Management

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN : 2231-6868 | P-ISSN : 2454-468X

SJIF 2020: 6.336 |SJIF 2021 : 6.109 | ICV 2020=66.47

+91 9555269393


Vol: 1, Issue: 1 2011

Page: 050-058

A Use of Cell Phones and Market Segmentation in Consumer of Delhi

Suman Mahajan

Mobile phone usage patterns amongst Delhi Consumer. Mobile phones are one of the most common information access devices with almost 31% of the global population having access. This exploratory study investigated usage patterns of, and attitude about, cell phones among Delhi Consumer are a mature market and a rapidly growing new market (India) by surveying students in each country. Key findings from the study include similarities in the usage of phones to communicate with others and in the perception of mobile phone usage in public settings and differences in the use of text messaging and opinions regarding driving and mobile phone usage. Overall these results suggest consumer of Delhi use mobile phones differently from their counterparts. In a developing market like India, mobile phones may be the primary and only phone to which everyone has access.

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