International Journal of Transformations in Business Management

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN : 2231-6868 | P-ISSN : 2454-468X

SJIF 2020: 6.336 |SJIF 2021 : 6.109 | ICV 2020=66.47

+91 9555269393


Vol: 13, Issue: 1 2023

Page: 156-160

Developing A Smart Integrated Model By Leveraging Analytical Approaches Combining Qualitative Case Studies With Quantitative Data In Accessing The Role Of Private Equity In The Transformation Of Emerging Markets

Dev Sheoran

Private equity (PE) has become a leading force in economic development in emerging markets, bringing much-needed capital, expertise, and governance improvements to businesses. This research paper delves into the multifaceted role of private equity in promoting economic growth in emerging markets from 2001 to 2022. Through channelling financial resources into sectors with high growth potential, PE firms enhance entrepreneurship, drive innovation, and create employment opportunities. In addition, PE investors bring about operational efficiencies, enhance corporate governance, and bring in global best practices to the firms they back. However, regulatory hurdles, political instability, market inefficiencies, and socio-economic impacts bring significant risks. This paper uses an analytical approach combining qualitative case studies with quantitative data to assess how private equity has transformed emerging markets. Therefore, the critical role of PE in bridging capital gaps, accommodating financial constraints, and catalyzing industrial growth to contribute toward more extensive economic development underlies these findings. Hence, various tables and other kinds of statistical analyses support these observations. Finally, the paper provides policy recommendations to ensure optimized private equity investment and sustainable regional economic development.

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