International Journal of Transformations in Business Management

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN : 2231-6868 | P-ISSN : 2454-468X

IMPACT FACTOR : 5.987 | SJIF 2020: 6.336 |SJIF 2021 : 6.109 | ICV 2020=66.47

+91 9555269393


Vol: 3, Issue: 4 2013

Page: 27-35

Building Human Capacities to Promote Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development

Radhika Kapur

This paper discusses about the conditions of poverty, the causes of poverty amongst the people in rural areas in India. What are the approaches and the measures that need to be formulated by the government to curb poverty? Poverty is mostly prevalent within the rural areas, mostly rural people are backward in terms of education, technology, employment opportunities and so forth. Hence the paper highlights all the areas that are required for the development of the poor and the underprivileged sections of the society. Science, culture, skills, education are the areas that are required for the development of the poverty stricken individuals.

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