International Journal of Transformations in Business Management

(By Aryavart International University, India)

International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal

E-ISSN : 2231-6868 | P-ISSN : 2454-468X

IMPACT FACTOR : 5.987 | SJIF 2020: 6.336 |SJIF 2021 : 6.109 | ICV 2020=66.47

+91 9555269393


Vol: 5, Issue: 4 2015

Page: 45-49

Consumer Observation for Changes in Societies

Aamer Pasha

Consumers play a vital role in the economic system of a nation because in the absence of effective demand that emanates from them, the economy virtually collapses. Mahatma Gandhi said, “A consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are on him. He is not an interruption to our work; he is the purpose of it, we are not doing a favour to a consumer by giving him an opportunity. He is doing us a favour by giving us opportunity to serve him. But, of late, unfortunately cheating by way of overcharging, black marketing, misleading advertisements, etc has become the common practice of greedy sellers and manufacturers to make unreasonable profits.

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